
RMEWF-Financial assistance for marriage of daughters of ESM/Remarriage of Widows

  • Background

    This scheme provides financial assistance to Pensioner/Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen (ESM) up to the rank of Havildar or equivalent in the Navy/Air Force. The scheme was started way back in the year 1981 with an amount of Rs 3,000/- per daughter. This was later revised in May 2007 to Rs 16,000/- per head and applicable up to two daughters.
    The aim of this aid gratis is to provide financial assistance to ESM up to the rank of Havildar/their widows for marriage of their daughters and also remarriage of widows.

    Present Scheme

    The Marriage Grant is Rs 50,000/- per daughter (max for two daughters) for marriages solemnized after 01 Apr 2016. The same amount of Rs 50,000/- is applicable for remarriage of widows also.

    Number of Beneficiaries and Amount Disbursed

    The number of beneficiaries and the amount disbursed during last three years under the above scheme is as under:-

    Number of Beneficiaries and Amount Disbursed

    The number of beneficiaries and the amount disbursed during last three years under the above scheme is as under:-

    Financial Year No of beneficiaries Fresh Cases Total Amount Disbursed in Rs
    2019-20 2990 149876000
    2020-21 8880 446200000
    2021-22 10378 522000000

    For further information please click here