
ECHS Circulars(2002-2017)

S/No. Title Date of Issue Download | Details
21 Procedure for procurement of medical equipment for ECHS. 13/04/2010 Download(1.23 MB)pdf
22 Procedure for Payment and reimbursement of Medical Expenses under ECHS. 19/12/2003 Download(4.33 MB)pdf
23 Procedure for Procurement of Drugs and Consumables for ECHS. 25/11/2003 Download(3.41 MB)pdf
24 Mobile Medical units for ECHS type E-Mobile Clinics. 22/08/2012 Download(0.44 MB)pdf
25 Release of cash Assignment : ECHS. 11/11/2008 Download(0.13 MB)pdf
26 Policy on repair and maint of vehs and eqpt auth to ECHS and Central Organisation, Regional Centres and Polyclinics. 18/11/2004 Download(2.37 MB)pdf
27 Procedure for payment and reimbursement of medical expenses under ECHS: Processing of bills by Bill Processing Agency (BPA) UTI-ITSL. 14/02/2014 Download(0.29 MB)pdf
28 Procedure for payment and re-imbursement of medical expenses under ECHS : Processing of bills by bill processing Agency(BPA),UTI-ITSL. 24/12/2013 Download(0.33 MB)pdf
29 Procedure for payment and Reimbursement of medical Expenses under ECHS : Processing of bills by processing agency (BPA) UTI.ITSL . 23/02/2012 Download(0.68 MB)pdf
30 Provision of Civil Tele with STD facility for ECHS Regional Centres. 10/03/2006 Download(0.34 MB)pdf
